Within the twisted, murderous case of mother and son Sante and Kenny Kimes

Petite and energetic, widow and philanthropic Irene Silverman were 82 years old when in the summer of 1998 it disappeared from her town house from several million dollars in the Upper East Side of Manhattan.

Her disappearance happened to come across the sudden departure of a 23-year-old man and a woman in the 1960s, who had moved to one of the elegantly furnished apartments a few weeks earlier, which Silverman had rented out in her building for up to $ 10,000 a month.

But there was no coincidence. It was soon found in March 1998, according to CNN, as well as thefts and arson in Las Vegas and the Bahamas.

Irene Silverman.

NYPD via Getty

The history of the notorious criminal careers of Kimes, which culminated in the murder of Irene Silverman, as well as the search, which led to its arrest and the conviction of 2000 Date limit“The devil was wearing White”, broadcast on Friday, January 31, at 9:00 p.m./8:00 p.m.

The episode shows an interview with the now 49-year-old Kenny Kimes, who condemns his prison sentence because he killed Kazdin in a prison in San Diego.

Kenny and Sante Kimes.

NYPD via Getty (2)

“I have to regret my past and the ignorance of my past crimes to do better and deal with a material remorse,” he told the correspondent Keith Morrison in prison interview.

When asked what he would say to the families of his victims, Kenny replied: “100 percent. I’m sorry. I was an idiot and my ignorance for which I was ashamed. ”

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Also interviewed for the episode, Kenny’s half -brother Kent Walker and Ken Holmgren, the son of a suspected murder victim from Sante Kimes, belong.

Date limit“S The Devil was wearing White” will be broadcast on Friday, January 31, at 9:00 p.m./8pm CT.

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