You Season 5 photos reveal Joe Goldberg’s new parents -in -law and mysterious friend

You Season 5 is a return home for Penn Badgley in several ways.

For the fifth and last season, the thriller returns to New York City, which was not only shot and determined in the first season, but also where Badgley lives with his family. And in the same way as the return to Mooney’s bookstore Joe Goldberg (Badgley) reminds you who he was once, allowed Badgley to connect with one of his earlier roles in the Silvercup studios in Queens.

“The return to the Mooney set in these phases was particularly moving because we shot here Gossip“Badgley tells Tudum. “And I wasn’t really here until after a day of the camera tests. “(The first season of You Filmed on another property, apart from this short visit it was more than a decade since he had returned.)

“So it was new memories, but with something that is already quite iconic,” he says when we are sitting in the opulent bedroom that Joe shares with his wife Kate Lockwood (Charlotte Ritchie). It is “definitely very interesting to only be back here on several levels.”

See the trailer for the last season of You

Badgley’s familiarity with these phases also reflects his developing relationship with Joe, his murderous protagonist. Playing such a dark and twisted figure for seven years was never easy, but in YouBadgley may be the most convenient he felt in the role. From meditation to decay in a certain place on the neck, if it is supposed to be angry, Badgley knows exactly what he has to do to be Joe.

“My first memory of getting in Mooney (in season 1) felt big and new, and now it doesn’t feel that way for me. It is very familiar and it feels smaller, and maybe that’s just a metaphor for the whole, ”he says. “The whole thing – the character, the concept and the cultural thing it became – felt a bit discouraging in the past, and now I have the feeling that it is a bit more manageable for me, (a little) smaller.”

Penn Badgley as Joe Goldberg and Charlotte Ritchie as Kate Lockwood in You Season 5.

Penn Badgley as Joe Goldberg and Charlotte Ritchie as Kate Lockwood

Charlotte Ritchie as Kate Lockwood in 'Du'.

Charlotte Ritchie as Kate Lockwood

Clifton Prescod/Netflix

Ironically, Joe’s life is the biggest thing ever-and the missions are higher than ever in the fifth season, which starts on April 24th. As you can see on the brand new photos and the trailer, Joe has everything: a loving woman, his early-day son back in his arms, a call and money-much of it. But the attraction of his inner darkness in combination with its history of violence threatens everything when the series builds up to a killer final.

If you come to NYC home, it is not a happy ending for Joe to say the opposite for You. “I think the show in New York City is best,” says Badgley. “It started here. It ends here. It is suitable. ”

Charlotte Ritchie as Kate Lockwood and Penn Badgley as Joe Goldberg in season 5 by 'You'.

Charlotte Ritchie as Kate Lockwood and Penn Badgley as Joe Goldberg

Based on the novels by Caroline Kepnes, You Concentrates on Joe, a book lover, hopeless romantic with a preference to pursue and kill the women that he (claimed), as well as everyone who comes in his way. While Joe began in New York (pouring out one for Guinevere Beck), he brought to Los Angeles in season 2, then to the suffocating suburbs of San Francisco in season 3 (Rip Love Quinn) and then to London in season 4. He was far too long when the corpses stacked him. After completing the season, Joe returned to New York City with his wealthy partner Kate and a new rental contract … or so it seems.

“There is a bit of reset and a new calibration,” says Badgley. “So he is fully able to do again.”

The new season revealed three years later that Joe did not kill anyone since we last saw him. Progress! Instead, he focused on raising Henry, the son he had love with his ex-wife (Victoria Pedretti), and helping Kate to steer the Lockwood Corporation in a non-profit direction. Joe never dreamed that he would be part of the New York elite, and he does everything he has in his power to protect what he has.

Anna Camp as Maddie Lockwood in 'Du'.

Anna Camp as Kate’s twin sister Maddie Lockwood.

Clifton Prescod/Netflix

Griffin Matthews as Teddy Lockwood in 'Du'.

Griffin Matthews as Kate’s brother Teddy Lockwood.

Clifton Prescod/Netflix

“If you ask Joe, he is incredibly satisfied with the life he is charming in his marriage to Kate,” says the executive producer Michael Foley, who, alongside the other EP, serves Justin W. Lo as a co-showrunner. “Kate and Joe expand in a way, and he accepts that. In a way, he exists on the sidelines of the Lockwood ecosystem, and they would think that this would not be enough for Joe. And yet he loves this current life so much that he is ready to resist impulses that rock the boat and threaten the life he made for himself. The most important thing is that we really put on the life he provides Henry. ”

Badgley adds: “Joe feels really good. He tries to be one of the 0.01%, a billionaire, which is extraordinary. He is deceptive, but he does a pretty good job as he always does. He believes that he has changed so that it can be enough for him. ”

Anna Camp as Reagan Lockwood, Pete Poszek as Harrison, Anna Camp as Maddie Lockwood in season 5 of 'You'.

Anna Camp as Reagan and Maddie Lockwood and Pete Poszek as Reagan husband Harrison.

Due to his marriage to Kate, Joe also acquires a larger family – Kate’s siblings. This season we will meet their twin sisters, the sharks -like Reagan and Hot Mess Maddie (both from the Anna Camp) and Kates Loyal half -brother Teddy (Griffin Matthews). While the chaotic brother of Love’s Chaotic Vierundy (James Scully) just wanted to adjust The dark face love Kate’s siblings play in a film for much higher missions – the winner will have control over the Lockwood family.

“He is very much in a pit of Viplen,” says Foley. “You are all products from Tom Lockwood, a Machiavellian, corrupt son of a bitch.”

Madeline Brewer as Bronte in 'Du'.

Madeline Brewer as puzzling bronte.

Matt infante/Netflix

Madeline Brewer as Bronte and Penn Badgley as Joe Goldberg in 'Du'.

But at least Joe has his beloved Mooney’s, which he bought when he returned to the city. At Mooney’s, he meets Bronte (Madeline Brewer), a free -spirited playwright who reminds Joe how his life was before he became a husband and father. “I think she is exceptionally talented and we are lucky enough to have her this season,” says Badgley about Brewer. “Maddie and I have this special thing where (the story) is crazy and you have to find ways every day to make it easy and normal. But then you really have to separate and get this crazy stuff up and running. “

A large part of this “crazy stuff” is brought to the surface by Bronte, and Joe will be torn between Kate’s perfect husband and his darker impulses. All of this raises the eternal question: Can Joe Goldberg have everything? Or say another way: “Can he be the old Joe and the new Joe?” says lo. “It is the main question of the season.” Foley adds: “(it is) a lot about identity, our hard coding, who we are, what is changeable and what is unchangeable about ourselves.”

Charlotte Ritchie as Kate Lockwood, Griffin Matthews as Teddy Lockwood in 'Du'.

Brother and sister Bonding: Charlotte Ritchie as Kate and Griffin Matthews as Teddy.

But Joe should be careful before the past because it might come back to follow him as the season to conclude. “One of the funniest things this season is the charming aspect of Prince that Joe is actually famous,” says Lo. “All other seasons, he was really under the radar. So he can move from season to season and place to place due to his anonymity. Now that he is known in New York, social media are on him. We enjoy exploring it. “

Badgley is ready to see how Joe faces justice – and is also ready to say goodbye to the character.

“It’s bitterly sweet as everything is. It is probably much sweeter than it is bitter, ”he says. “They are in this room and do the same work for almost seven years and they love it, but they are happy to continue. It is time for him to stop to stop, to put down the knife. “

One on the set from the last season of 'du'.

Welcome back to the cage.

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